Home Safe Choices

If you are still stashing extra cash and important papers in the bottom of a file cabinet, it is past time to buy a safe. Having one in your home allows you to keep valuables nearby while protecting them from fire and theft. Although they are not meant as an alternative to a bank, safes can be a helpful addition to your security system. 

Best Type

If you are storing more than your important documents, you need a safe that can be effectively hidden and, if discovered, difficult or impossible to move. A little fire safe spares your items from flames but also makes a handy carrying case for burglars. Most homeowners need something more substantial and theft resistant. While commercial safes are rated for their ability to withstand an onslaught by burglars, many home safes are not. Fortunately, the weight of most types will help deter thieves. A standard size 1.2 or 1.3 cubic-foot model will weigh nearly 100 lbs. before you put your items into it. Most burglars want to grab and dash, so that much weight is a significant deterrent. You may also bolt many safes to the floor, making them even less attractive to thieves. 


Placing your safe can be tricky since you want it to be convenient but not obvious. You can install it in your bedroom for easy access, but that is also the first place thieves look. If you are going to open it often, close is probably better. If you are not able to use the safe, having one is pointless. One of the safest, though less convenient, choices is a slab or floor safe, one that is actually put into the concrete slab or foundation of your home. Basements and garages are the most frequent locations for this type of safe, which is very secure and easy to cover up. Small safes that are made to hold a few guns can be bolted into a closet or under a bed so they are easily reachable and yet safe from children. 

A home safe is a good investment for keeping your will, house title, and other important documents protected from fire and theft.  Although they are not foolproof, safes will deter many thieves who want to grab what is handy and leave as soon as possible. The bank is still the place for most of your money and valuables, but a safe in your residence is a valuable addition to an overall security plan. Do consult a professional, like A-AAA Locksmiths, LLC, for help in choosing the right safe for your home.

About Me

Protecting a Beloved Grandparent

My maternal grandparents built a modest brick home in the country over 50 years ago. Sadly, my granddad passed away 23 years ago. Since this time, my grandmother has continued living in the brick home by herself. Because she will soon celebrate her 80th birthday, I have begun to worry about her protection more recently. To feel better about her continuing to live by herself, I would like to install a state-of-the-art security system at her home. I’m interested in purchasing a security system that contains a medical alert feature. On this blog, you will discover the best types of security systems to install at a beloved grandparent’s home.

