Dispelling Network Security Myths

Keeping your company's information secure will require you to be as informed as possible about the various security risks that your company's network must face. Unfortunately, this can be difficult for people that lack much experience with working on computers because they may make the mistake of vastly underestimating the security risks that their enterprise faces on a daily basis. By having a couple of frequently believed notions about computer security refuted, you should find yourself better positioned to protect your business's computers against security threats.

Myth: Computer Viruses Are The Only Network Security Threat 

There is a common belief among some business owners that computer viruses are the only threat that will need to be mitigated. While it is true that computer viruses and other pieces of malicious software can cause extensive damage to your computers, this is far from the only way that a cyber criminal can harm your network.

It is possible for these criminals to use software that can connect to your network. If security measures are not in place to block these connections, it could be possible for these criminals to access the network or even potentially take control of it. As a result, you will need to make sure that you have software installed that can protect the network from unauthorized connections.

Myth: Only Big Companies Are At Risk Of Being Targeted By Criminals

Another frequently held assumption is that only large companies are the targets of these criminals. However, assuming that your business is too small to be a target can be a dangerous mistake for you to make. While it is true that many hackers and other cyber criminals may target specific companies to attack, this is not always the case because many of these criminals utilize software that scans for vulnerable networks and exploits them on a mass scale. For this reason, it is essential for enterprises of any size to ensure that they have the best network security possible.

Your company's computer network can be essential for its day to day functions. However, it is an unfortunate fact that many people are under the belief that some routine myths about network security are true. This can cause them to leave themselves vulnerable to a variety of attacks from viruses and hackers. By making sure that you appreciate the fact that computer viruses are not the only danger and that companies of any size can be targets, you will be better able to keep your company defended.

About Me

Protecting a Beloved Grandparent

My maternal grandparents built a modest brick home in the country over 50 years ago. Sadly, my granddad passed away 23 years ago. Since this time, my grandmother has continued living in the brick home by herself. Because she will soon celebrate her 80th birthday, I have begun to worry about her protection more recently. To feel better about her continuing to live by herself, I would like to install a state-of-the-art security system at her home. I’m interested in purchasing a security system that contains a medical alert feature. On this blog, you will discover the best types of security systems to install at a beloved grandparent’s home.

